
About Me

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Hi! I am Emmalydia and I love working out almost much as I love talking and buying clothes to workout in. Follow my thoughts and adventures in fitness and everything that goes along with it.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Never Workout Again

Happy Friday to Everyone!

Just wanted to write in a quick post before one of the most amazing weekends of my life begins. I wanted to talk abou...... Oh, you want to know why its going to be so amazing? Well thats nice of you. Ok, I will tell you. This weekend we are celebrating my husbands birthday on Saturday night with a dinner even though his real birthday isnt until Sunday but we cant celebrate Sunday, want to know why? I AM GOING TO MEET THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!! Ok I know this soooo not fitness related but come on!! BSB!! My boyband crush as a teenager. (talk about flashback friday huh?)
O-M-G, i'm like totally going to touch their hands and they are going to say my name!!! AHHHHH!!
BSB 4ever!
*Snap out of it* Wow, ok back to 25 year old married Emma who is here to write about something fitness related because that's probably why you're here. (but omg bsb is sooo cute) uhhhh, ok for real here I go.

I was sitting in a training today and as I was trying to pay attention (shhh dont tell my boss), I started thinking about the saying "If you do something you love you will never work a day in your life," and then I thought, wow that same thing goes for fitness:

You see, I love working out, I love fitness, and sweating in general, I love it as much as I love bsb (sorry Joshua, I love you too), but does that mean that every person is going to LOVE working out as much as me? No, and that is perfectly ok! It is ok to not LOVE "working out", but I guarantee you that when you find something your body enjoys doing it wont feel like a work out. It wont be a chore, no one will have to force you to do it or give it all you got. I chose weight lifting, some people may choose crossfit, yoga, zumba, dancing, walking, swimming, running, boxing, chasing your dogs, chasing your kids, soooo many options!
So when you think you are not ever meant to be fit because going to the gym just doesnt get you excited, well then maybe the gym just isnt your thing, its my thing, but it may not be yours. As long as what you are doing (because you should be doing something) is keeping you healthy, well then you are doing the right thing. With that said though, never be afraid to try new things! Maybe you are a natural born belly dancer! You will never know until you give something new a try.
So go out there and find your fitness passion because once you do, you will never need to workout again!     

Monday, August 26, 2013

Leggs, Hams, and Abs!

 Sunday Leg Day Workout

Working out is so fun, and if its not I make it fun. During the week my workouts are so early in the morning (5am) that I go alone. I dont mind because I put my music on, get to work, and its done and out of the way before my brain fully understands what just happened. Saturday is my upper body workout and Sunday is leggs and hams, which means instead of eggs and ham I'm having Leggs and Hams(tring) get it??? eh? eh? Funny I know. Anywho, Gina (see pic below) works out with me on the weekends and it pretty hilarious because she hates me and I love it!    
Gina, laughing but crying on the inside

I am a certified personal trainer (shout out to PFTA) and Gina, well... isnt a personal trainer but she works out with with me, not as a client but as a partner. She is fairly new to weightlifting and may not be the strongest but she works hard and does everything I ask even if she gives me the ugliest looks every. single. time. 

So here is the video of Sunday's gym festivities. We work hard but laugh just as hard!

Oh p.s Yeah I know my boobs are on display but thats what happens when you wear a VS sports bra with a low cut workout shirt. Whoops! Not doing that again lol..

 Enjoy! (the video, not my boobs)
- Emmalydia <3  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Video Review of Ellie

 So this is my first video *bare with me and at least watch the end ;)* and I decided to do a review on one my favorite places to get my fitness wear, ELLIE!  Their clothes make me feel great which makes me workout better #truestory

Ibiza Loop Tank Size=XS (I'm 5'1)
Woah, Mug Shot! At least my shirt is cute right?

Virgin Islands Top Size=XS


I also completely forgot to mention that if you click the link below you get 20% off your first purchase!  Click Here For a Discount!

I will be posting more videos so stay tuned!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Here's to never having another Monday!

Monday, the start of a new week the feeling that a reset button has been pushed and you are given a brand new clean slate to rewrite all past mistakes. I hear it all the time, from friends posting on Facebook to conversations in the office about how they "fell off the wagon" over the weekend and are ready to start over fresh today. This is THE week they are going to get it right, this is the week that is going to be perfect, there will be no mess ups, and they will soon be on their way to that goal weight/dream body. However, as the saying goes

What are you really going to do different this time around that is going to stop you from having another Monday next week? If you think the answer is shaming yourself into getting it right, hating yourself enough into doing better, or just having more willpower this week, sorry to say but that isn't the answer.

The more educated you become on WHY you are making certain food choices the more willpower becomes just an illusion.

Here is an example: I do track my macros (short for macronutrients which are carbs, proteins, and fats) so when I am making food choices I look at all of those things. Yeah I might WANT fifty cookies but that is not what my body is needing because I realized I haven't had enough protein for the day. So its not willpower that is keeping me from eating those cookies, its being educated on why I am making the food choices I am, its knowing what MY goal is, and what my body is really saying.

Besides cookies, ice cream, cakes, chocolate, fries, or any other foods deemed "bad" no longer hold any special power.
If you read my other post you know I allow myself those things ALL the time, not just on special occasions, cheat meals, or weekends.
Now, if you just read that sentence and automatically assumed that what I meant was that I eat junk food all day *bangs. head. on. desk* That's exactly the type of thought process I am trying to get people out of!

To say giving yourself freedom of choice to eat whatever you want whenever you want is automatically going to equate to junk food all day everyday is a sign of lack of trust in yourself and your relationship with food and no diet is going to fix that problem, it may only make things worse.

 I'll say it again, its not the food that is making you unhealthy whether that be overweight or underweight, its the relationship you have between the food and yourself. Have a goal yes, have a plan, because you cant keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results, BUT to say the only way to have success is to suffer, is a good sign you need a new plan.  
 I have not had a "Monday" in a good while because to me Saturday and Sunday also hold no magical food powers, there is nothing I can have on Saturday and Sunday that I cant have on M-F.  If someone is being so restrictive M-F that come Saturday and Sunday all you can do is dream about the naughty things you want to do to your food, that may be another sign your diet isnt going to have long-term success.

The only way to never have Monday's again is to learn what works for you so that it sticks all day every day. In another blog post I am going to talk about what worked for me and how I reached balance with a plan so that I never have to utter the words "I fell off the wagon" again.


 Oh and p.s I didnt find it in a powder, pill, or magic food.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Becoming My Own Guru

I eat ice cream, fast food, bacon and butter 
Green beans, bell peppers, asparagus, avocados, eggs and chicken. 
I love fruit and chocolate makes me happy. 
Some days I eat more than I would have liked and others less but more days than not I'm right on according to MY goals and those goals may or may not include abs, but that's not for you to decide. No one is allowed to come into my life with diet rules and tell me what I can and can't have, only I decide that. 
If I don't eat something it's not because I am not allowed to have it but because I have chosen not to have it. 
My diet doesn't fit into any one category because I am more than the sum of my diet. Food does not have the moral capability to be neither good nor bad, therefore I will not place it into such groups.
I read, listen, evaluate, take advice, apply it, mess up, and learn. 
I lift heavy, run fast, play, dance, sing, smile, imagine, create, love, jump, and live! My body makes my husband horny and most importantly I'm happy and healthy. 

So, I'm sorry that I am not sorry but you aren't going to come in to my world and tell me I'm not good enough and what I'm doing is wrong. I have reached a point of balance and I like it here. It's not nearly as crowded as that wagon, but I hope one day others will walk this path with me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hello from the Blog world!

Hi I am Emmalydia and I currently have a facebook page called
The Adventures of Emmalydia and Gym which is a chance for me to share my passion for fitness as well as my own journey with others! I realized that I like to talk or um type a lot, so for some ideas and thoughts this would be a better place for me to put them.
Name:Emmalydia King
*Funny thing my last name used to be Reyes which is Kings in Spanish. So when I got married I went from Reyes(Kings) to King! I was just always meant to be royalty.

The Husband and I

Fitness Stuff:

The Beginning:
  • I was blessed enough to be brought into a household that was generally very active. I credit my mom for really being the one who got me excited about exercise. When I was about 10 she took me with her to a step aerobics class and that was enough to have me hooked. After that, I would borrow her Tae Bo tapes and Denise Austin "10 Minute Buns." I would work out in my room as Denise Austin would push me with phrases like "Come on tighten up that tush, we are going to have rock star bottoms." Then high school came and I loved cross country, track, band (yes I count band as an athletic activity), and weight lifting. I loved being active and moving, it was a stress reliever for me. So I have always had the pleasure of seeing exercise as fun and not as a punishment. I am very thankful to my mom for that.  
Favorite Type of Exercise?
  • Well If you follow my facebook page you know that my favorite thing to do is LIFT HEAVY! As in strength training. If you would have asked me about a little over a year ago I would have said running but wow have things changed. I still love to run but it is no longer my favorite and my body has changed in ways I just love thanks to weight lifting. 
    All about that Gym Life!


So whats your story?
  • Well too be honest sometimes I feel like my story isnt as inspiring because I have never been obese and I never did have to lose weight to save my life or I am not a single mother with children (and I have nothing but respect for those people TRUST ME) but I have gone through a transformation although it may not have been such a huge outside transformation, my mind and how I look at life and fitness together has come to a nice place I call balance and for me that's a great success. I realized I do still have a voice and if people decide to listen well that would be great and what would be even greater is if one person took the thoughts I share and turned them into action to better their health, thats what I want my story to be. It would bring me no greater happiness then to know my journey was somehow apart of someone else's. I would also love to inspire more women to start lifting, to know you can be strong and girly if you so choose, you dont have to decide between the two. I love my muscles as much as I do my shoes and I like to sweat and wear makeup. Plus, I am a silly person and I want people to find fitness fun! Not all fitness people have to walk around oily with this angry look on their face because their muscles are too big to let them smile. I work out my muscles as well as my humor (oh yeah p.s I'm super cheesy like that). Hope you stick around so we can enjoy this journey together. 
Now to the Random!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
      4:45am to go for a nice run

 How do you like your steak?
       Medium rare, more on the rare side and man do I love my steak!

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
        The Wolverine

What is your favorite TV show?
        I like New Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Wipeout, World's Dumbest, and Snapped

 If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
       I like it here in San Antonio to be honest but if anywhere else it would be in California with my older sister

What are your favorite clothes?
        Workout clothes! They have taken over my closet. Yes, my workout gear is hanging in my closet, yes I kinda have a problem 

Where would you visit if you had the chance?

Are you a morning person or a night person?
        Morning. I go to bed way too early for someone my age, but I love my sleep!

Do you have any pets?
         Yes, my two dog babies.

Barney King

Poptart the papillon
What did you want to be when you were little?
        The first women president and a teacher

 Been in a car accident?
        Nope and I hope I never am

Favorite Pizza Toppings?
       What? This is a fitness blog, I don't eat pizza! What do you think I am, human? Jk! My favorite is pepperoni, pineapple, mushrooms and onions.  

Favorite ice cream?
       Seriously? I thought I told you! haha.. For real though, I love ice cream! My favorite is mint chocolate chip 

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
        Thats really hard! I am going to cheat and say Amazon because I love lots of things

         Funny because I actually dont care for broccoli. I tried broccolini though and that I like that much better.

What is your favorite color?
         Pink with sparkles (dont judge me) 

How many tattoos do you have?
         1 a butterfly, how original huh?

So that's all I got for this first one, hope to see you around here again.