
About Me

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Hi! I am Emmalydia and I love working out almost much as I love talking and buying clothes to workout in. Follow my thoughts and adventures in fitness and everything that goes along with it.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Never Workout Again

Happy Friday to Everyone!

Just wanted to write in a quick post before one of the most amazing weekends of my life begins. I wanted to talk abou...... Oh, you want to know why its going to be so amazing? Well thats nice of you. Ok, I will tell you. This weekend we are celebrating my husbands birthday on Saturday night with a dinner even though his real birthday isnt until Sunday but we cant celebrate Sunday, want to know why? I AM GOING TO MEET THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!! Ok I know this soooo not fitness related but come on!! BSB!! My boyband crush as a teenager. (talk about flashback friday huh?)
O-M-G, i'm like totally going to touch their hands and they are going to say my name!!! AHHHHH!!
BSB 4ever!
*Snap out of it* Wow, ok back to 25 year old married Emma who is here to write about something fitness related because that's probably why you're here. (but omg bsb is sooo cute) uhhhh, ok for real here I go.

I was sitting in a training today and as I was trying to pay attention (shhh dont tell my boss), I started thinking about the saying "If you do something you love you will never work a day in your life," and then I thought, wow that same thing goes for fitness:

You see, I love working out, I love fitness, and sweating in general, I love it as much as I love bsb (sorry Joshua, I love you too), but does that mean that every person is going to LOVE working out as much as me? No, and that is perfectly ok! It is ok to not LOVE "working out", but I guarantee you that when you find something your body enjoys doing it wont feel like a work out. It wont be a chore, no one will have to force you to do it or give it all you got. I chose weight lifting, some people may choose crossfit, yoga, zumba, dancing, walking, swimming, running, boxing, chasing your dogs, chasing your kids, soooo many options!
So when you think you are not ever meant to be fit because going to the gym just doesnt get you excited, well then maybe the gym just isnt your thing, its my thing, but it may not be yours. As long as what you are doing (because you should be doing something) is keeping you healthy, well then you are doing the right thing. With that said though, never be afraid to try new things! Maybe you are a natural born belly dancer! You will never know until you give something new a try.
So go out there and find your fitness passion because once you do, you will never need to workout again!     

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